Welcome to the newsletter cosmos of The Lissome, an independent annual print magazine and meeting place for conscious creatives in fashion.

At The Lissome, we explore the intersection of Earth-centred fashion design, mindfulness, ecology and system transformation through poetic and sensuous storytelling – providing a gentle space for conversations and contemplation, inspiring positive change and making hopeful futures tangible.

This space is for sharing inspiration, creating with intention, and becoming part of a supportive community.

Stay up to date and subscribe to our newsletters, The Lissome Letter and Slow Style Chronicle. Every new edition goes directly to your inbox.

The Lissome Letter

Our monthly newsletter that keeps you in the loop with The Lissome.

Here we share our latest articles, podcast episodes, workshops, events and exclusive preorders – directly to your inbox – and host a corner for community classifieds.

Members enjoy exclusive creative inspiration in form of fashion industry recommendations and curated lists of super niche creators and creations, get to know contributors close-up, and receive special discounts. And we invite members to shine in our spotlight – share your story and be featured!

Slow Style Chronicle

A curated slow fashion guide from our sister publication, The Book of Kin, dedicated to sharing the stories of independent designers and makers.

Here, we’re going deeper with members of our The Book of Kin, a curated guide book and online platform of independent designers and makers, to get in touch with the stories of the people and processes behind the labels. It’s an ode to being in relationship with the material world and each other, celebrating the beauty of conscious craftsmanship. Each newsletter also includes a styling column that shows alternatives to pushing trend cycles, as well as useful tools to guide you through your journey on this material plane, from how to mend a pant seam to how to cultivate a dye garden.

The Book of Kin is the sister publication of The Lissome.

We’re creating this free offering, but if you love what you’re hearing, donations are deeply appreciated. We’re a small team of committed and caring individuals, and every dollar makes a difference.

If you’re looking for more, we’re launching The Lissome N°4: Love Ethic and The Book of Kin N°2 periodicals in March 2024 with exclusive content, long form writing, and multimedia dimensions.

The Lissome is featured as a positive example of responsible media communication in the 2023 UN Sustainable Fashion Communication Playbook, a joint publication by UNEP and UN Climate Change providing a framework for countering misinformation, reducing messages perpetuating overconsumption and redirecting aspiration to sustainable lifestyles.

The Lissome / The Book of Kin / Instagram

Subscribe to The Lissome Magazine

Created by an international community of conscious creatives in fashion, The Lissome is an independent publication exploring the intersection of Earth-centred fashion design, mindfulness, ecology and system transformation through sensuous storytelling.


The Lissome is a community of creatives exploring the intersection of Earth-centred fashion design, mindfulness, ecology and system transformation through poetic and sensuous storytelling – making hopeful futures tangible.